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The Moon Watching Platform - Night - Nana Shiomi

The Moon Watching Platform - Night - Nana Shiomi

Regular price £1,850.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £1,850.00 GBP
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85 x 105cm


The Moon-watching platform - Night

This woodcut (and The Wind-listening platform - Day) depict the scenery as seen from a shoji screen, or paper sliding window, opening up onto a wooden platform of a traditional Japanese house. The concept of two opposing configurations – night and day, the shoji on the left and right, and the wind as opposed to the quiet moon-lit night – constitute the fundamental theme throughout Shiomi’s works. The artist explains: “A prerequisite of prints is the fact that “plate and print” are always opposite configurations. I soon encountered dualistic principles everywhere, such as “night and day”, “top and bottom”, “East and West”, “man and woman” and so on. It is no mere coincidence that most of my work is composed of two opposing sides, right and left.”

Nana Shiomi (b. 1956) works in the traditional Japanese woodblock technique. Her works often explore the theme of duality – of opposites and contrasts, and many shine a new light on symbols of Japanese culture. She lives and works in London.

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